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Composer of the month

Aggiornamento: 29 feb 2020

From now on, we will have a composer of the month to encourage the children’s musical culture and history. The children have to choose a musical piece by the composer and listen to it together with mom and dad. You then have to have a brief family discussion on your thoughts about the piece and the children will share in class. Please have the children take note of the piece on a piece of paper. Please email me with any questions. The composer this month is Ludwig Van Beethoven. Thank you.

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12 comentários

Emma H.
Emma H.
12 de mar. de 2020

hello everybody! I like rigoletto because the story is very nice. I love " Oh tu che la festa audace hai turbato"...I sing this song everyday and everywhere.


06 de mar. de 2020

I learned acting like a conductor: it was fun and.... i am very good with it


06 de mar. de 2020

I choose "Marcia nuziale" di Mozart (Le nozze di Figaro). This is my favorite: my parents married with it


Camy T.
Camy T.
05 de mar. de 2020

Hello! I like "Inno alla Gioia" di Beethoven and ho provato a fare il conductor: all'inizio era difficile tenere il tempo, ma poi mi sono divertita moltissimo soprattutto perchè mi fa ridere alzare sempre di più la mano mentre la musica diventa più forte! Ho ascoltato anche "Confutatis" dal Requiem di Mozart e mi sembra bello anche se all'inizio fa un po' paura.


04 de mar. de 2020

Mi favourite Artist is Beethoven moonlight sonata (3rd movement).

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